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Support may be one callone click, or one text away. 

Find Answers with Focus on the Family


The Focus on the Family Help Center counselors are here to listen and pray with you, as well as provide initial guidance and resources to help you and your family thrive. Arrange to speak with a  counselor at no cost by calling 1-855-771-HELP (4357) Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Mountain time. Due to high call volumes, you may be asked to leave your name and number for a counselor to return a call to you. You may also find answers to questions you have on The Focus on the Family website section for teens. 

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The HopeLine Community

Struggling with issues? Need someone that will listen and offer sound advice? Share your story with a trusted, live HopeCoach.  Trained team members are ready to listen and chat with you privately about whatever issue you may be facing. Don't wait any longer.


Support for Runaways

National Runaway SafelineKeeping America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets.Between 1.6 and 2.8 million youth run away in a year.

Call 1-800-RUNAWAY if you are a teenager who is thinking of running from home, if you have a friend who has run and is looking for help, or if you are a runaway ready to go home.

Call 1-800-RUNAWAY if you care about a youth and want information on how you can help someone who may be at risk of running from home.

Call 1-800-RUNAWAY if you are a teacher looking for information to pass along to your students about youth homelessness or the reality of life on the streets.

A 24-hour crisis line has an experienced front-line team member ready to help you now. If you're not ready to call, you can post to our bulletin board, send an email, or start a live chat. It’s anonymous, confidential and free.

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